"You are a force field that radiates vibrational frequencies. The frequency patterns you project create your reality, and you always draw to you that which matches your level of vibration."
These words are full of magic, full of energy, full of power. They express all that can be done in the spiritual matter. The energy that is concentrated and focused towards the realization of something we truly desire, accompanied by the passionate and absolute belief that we can do it and the knowledge how to perform it. This concentrated energy is an empowerment that should be used to heal and improve ourselves and the world.
It is the fire of creation that Prometheus stole from the Gods and brought to earth, to matter. It is this connection between the unseen world of possibilities and the seen material world that is symbolized by the magical wand. In Greek and Roman mythology Hermes/Mercury with his wand is the messenger of the Gods; with his winged feet he is able to rise above the limitations we think we have. Mercury brings heavenly messages about a wider perspective and co-creation with the Gods: our true will, soul-self or higher self; the inner life that strives for unconditional love, harmony and beauty.
This implies that this spiritual will should only be performed for the sake of human evolution. Let our actions come from a source of self-honesty, dignity and respect for life. If all of us do so we are exercising our free will in accordance with the love force we are. Everything should be done by the heart. Everything should be done out of love.
Like anything we wish to achieve in life, if we want to perform great changes, we have to give ourselves to it. Find back the openness of the child within us and truly believe that we can do it. Search deep in us. Believe in the image we have in our heart. Imagine it as vividly as we can.
Cooperate in accordance with the laws of nature behind it; so study and examine what is happening and show respect for Nature. Think over why we wish to achieve something. Also consider the effects of our actions on others. Love and compassion is all around us. Feel all that. Then focus on what we want, put lots of single-pointed energy and concentration in it.
Exactly, the same thing happens under meditation and praying. Simply, image the energy that flows from a great crow of gathered people, wishing for the same thing. We humans have multidimensional powers, which unfortunately are just waiting for us to discover. It is, this positive energy, that is the cause of change. It comes from us, and the result is painted on the portrait of the universe.