My name has no inherent relevance or significance. A name is simply a symbolic label representing individuality. However, out of respect for those who trusted me, I am known as Shi Yan Zhuo. I entered this world on the 18th day of the 4th month of the year 2508 BE.
The esteemed Masters on my spiritual path taught that to truly understand someone, one must delve into their thoughts and observe how they spend their time. However, when it comes to understanding a spirit guide, one must personally experience and understand their teachings.
Blessed, I found myself under the tutelage of Noble Masters whose boundless kindness and wisdom nurtured my insatiable thirst for knowledge. They imparted fragments of their personal understanding of the Teaching, trusting that I would carry forth their legacy of enlightenment and compassion. True to their teachings, I humbly shoulders this responsibility, striving to disseminate their wisdom to all who seek it.
Though my students address me as "Teacher," I shy away from defining myself solely by this title. Instead, I view myself as a perpetual student, forever immersed in the teachings of my Masters. I acknowledge that the journey towards enlightenment is an ongoing pursuit—one that requires unwavering dedication and an open heart.
Through this website, I extend an invitation to all seekers to embark on a journey of shared discovery. Its purpose is simple yet profound: to introduce more souls to the Dharma of my Masters, to spread the light of wisdom and compassion far and wide. In this shared endeavor, there are no distinctions between teacher and student, only fellow travelers on the path towards enlightenment.
Every word penned on these virtual pages resonates with the belief that every living being possesses the potential for enlightenment. Regardless of background or circumstance, all beings can attain the exalted state of Buddhahood. It is a testament to the boundless compassion and inclusivity of the spiritual path—one that transcends boundaries and embraces all with open arms.
Feel free to join this sharing journey.
Namo Amituofo All